It is dark out, but wonderfully cool in Prague. We are 4,733 miles from Cookeville, Tennessee and completely attuned to new and different cultures--both historic and current. The faculty of Economics & Management at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague continues to lead us on a journey of continual learning, incorporating traditional Czech classroom lecture with field excursions to modern Czech agricultural industry and production. Of course in order to understand the culture and development of Czech society today, you must also understand the challenges these amazing people have seen in their history. Our students and the faculty have been immersed in the shocking traumas of Hitler's human destruction and the personal and economic oppression of the Soviet reign. Yet these amazing, determined people have overcome such hardships and atrocities others would be completely overwhelmed by.
To say they are inspiring is an understatement.
One last thought, it is an honor to work with students with such open minds and hearts, combined with a never-ending desire to learn and a capacity for creativity and sharing. They make my faith in our future feel quite secure!
It is astonishing to see the struggles this nation has had. Sadly, many of these happened in the recent past. I hope the education we learn from this trip will make sure nothing like Hitler's destruction will be allowed in 'our' future.